Middle School STEM
Welcome to Middle School STEM! We are excited to share this opportunity with you!
Together we will:
(1) Research relevant topics that generate new awarenesses,
(2) Apply a problem solving protocol to solve problems encountered in life,
(3) Engage in productive teamwork to brainstorm ideas and organize information in a variety of ways,
(4) Build, create, and design solutions to different problems and/or questions, and
(5) Participate in hands-on inquiry and open-exploration while recording observations and drawing conclusions.
Course Description
STEM at Center Grove is an interdisciplinary approach to inquiry and discovery in which students collaborate and innovate to solve relevant, real-world problems.
Contact Information
Mrs. Amy O'Brien
Phone: (317) 885-8800 (ext. 224)
Email: obriena@centergrove.k12.in.us
Please use the following guidelines when communicating with me:
- Use "inbox" found in your left Global Navigation Panel (left side under Canvas Logo) to communicate questions with me. This will ensure your messages get to me in a timely manner. View the Canvas Guide to using Inbox for Students. to help
- I will respond to your question within 24 hours, unless the questions happen over a weekend or holiday. If your question occurs over a weekend or holiday, I will periodically check my email and will respond as soon as I can.
Student Expectations
- Come prepared with class materials and a positive attitude.
- Respect yourself and others.
- Always do your best.
- Do not pack up early. Wait to be dismissed.
Canvas Expectations
- Use appropriate school etiquette at all times .
- Read announcements, inbox messages, and assignment feedback.
- Submit assignments on time.
- Check that assignments are submitted correctly each time.
- Amount of homework will vary from day to day.
- Late homework is accepted but will remain a zero in Skyward until graded.
Responsibility Log
- Be on time.
- Have all of your materials and work.
- Positive citizenship.
Accessibility Statement
If you have special needs that may require additional accommodations or modifications to instruction or assessment, please make sure a copy of your IEP is on file with Center Grove Community School Corporation. You may contact Allison Chance, Director of Special Education, at chancea@centergrove.k12.in.us (Links to an external site.), so that we can determine how to make necessary accommodations available to best support your personal learning needs.