Center Grove Space Program
The Center Grove Middle School North Space Program's goal is to challenge our students in collaborative and real-world missions including the launch and recovery of a "near space" craft. As President Kennedy said in 1962, we choose these missions “not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win.”
This project will focus on Indiana Science Standards, Earth and Space Systems 8.2.1, 8.2.4, and 8.2.5 (atmosphere and weather).
Spring 2016 Launch Announced: CGMSN has announced we will attempt a launch this spring. The near space launch will take place the week of 14 March, 2016 (Edit: Launch will be 10am EST on 15 March, 2016). More details will be available as more detailed weather data is available.0
Center Grove Space Program Tracking Center (March 2016)
We are testing a new flight model system that attempts to predict the flight path of the balloon. The model is forecasting the flight path will impact near Rushville, Indiana for the launch today. We should know soon enough how accurate this will be.
Fall 2015 Launch Announced: CGMSN has announced we will attempt a launch this fall as part of our build up to Mr. Peterson's NASA SOFIA flight week the first week of Nov. Due to fall break in October, the best possible weekends are Sept 26 or Oct 3. We will decide on a date as weather data is compiled but will likely have a morning launch. We have a goal to reach over 100,000 feet! We are collaborating with Curt Scheibaum who launched 5 balloons over the summer reaching a height of around 110,000 feet (source).
5 March 2015 Launch Stats (raw data):
- Flight time 3:03:54
- Distance traveled 276.24 miles
- Speed (km/h) max 370 km/h (~230 mph)
- Alt (m) max 30,243 m (~18 miles)
- Temp (C) low -55.1C (-67F)
- Pressure (Pa) range 620Pa - 10,0784Pa
Photos from 5 March 2015 LaunchVideo Compilation of all Images
Launch Date 5 March 2014 (approx. 10am EST) Daily Journal Story Center Grove Space Program Tracking Center (Nov 2014) Press Release (Oct 2014) (Student Created)
Project Planning (Summer 2014) With help from High Altitude Science, we have designed a "near space" craft that will collect data and deliver a camera into the stratosphere (35-37 km, 110,000 - 120.000 ft) and be safely recovered.