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Wing T Camp registration is live!   Camp dates are Monday June 3rd-Wednesday June 5th for students who will be in 3rd-8th grade in the Fall of 2024.  

3rd-5th grade, 9 AM to 10:30 AM and 6th-8th grade 10:30 AM - 12 PM.   

This link in on our website under Camps -> Wing T:

Here is a direct link to the registration:

7th Grade Coaching Staff
Head Coach - David Marquez
Assistant Coach - Andrew Griffin
Assistant Coach - Nate Weishaar

8th Grade Coaching Staff
Head  Coach - Travis McMahen
Assistant Coach - Nick Johnson
Assistant Coach - 

CGMSN Football Equipment Pick up Info

Football Packet Items – Cost is $150 due on equipment pick up day, Monday July 22, 2024 in the Trojan gym here at CGMSN.  Packet includes CG North Football Shorts, T-shirt, 2 mouthpieces, Integrated “Game pants”, and practice jersey.

Players will not be allowed to practice and will not receive a helmet or shoulder pads without all completed athletic forms (RankOne and online forms and Athletic Physical Forms)

Please make checks made payable to CGMSN.

8th Grade equipment pick up begins at 5:00
7th Grade equipment pick up begins at 6:00