Boys - Travis McMahen
Girls - Greg Jansen
Girls Golf- Home matches played at Bluff Creek Golf Course
Tryouts in Fall/Matches begin in Fall
Boys Golf-Home matches played at Southern Dunes Golf Course
Tryouts in Spring
Boys Golf Tryouts 2024 March 4th-14th (Mon, Tue, Th)
3:15-5:00 @ Southern Dunes Golf Course
Golf Tryouts will take place at Southern Dunes Golf course on March 4th – March 14th (Mon, Tues, Thurs) from 3:15-5:00. Transportation will need to be provided by the athlete as this will also be the case for practices (3-5PM after school) during the season as well. There are all types of skill levels of players on our team from experienced tournament players to beginners. It is highly recommended that a player wanting to tryout should be practicing for weeks prior to the tryout date in order to have the best opportunity to make the team. The team will consist of 6-8th graders and we will keep no more than 12 players if we have enough that fit our criteria for a MSN Golf Team Member. All players trying out should have the following items:
- Golf Clubs (we will not supply them)
- Walking Golf Bag or Cart that can fit your bag
- 12-15 Golf Balls in the bag at all times
- Golf Tees
- Proper Golf Attire- Collared shirt and golf shorts
- Golf shoes are highly recommended