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CGMSN Boys and Girls Tennis

2023-2024 CGMSN Girls Tennis
Girls Head Coach: Stephanie Campbell
Girls Assistant Coach: Andrea Culver

Tryout Information:
Girls tennis tryouts will take place the week of March 4-8 after school until 4:30. You should plan on attending each day of tryouts unless you have a conflicting school activity.- we may have to adjust our schedule due to weather. You will need athletic clothing, water, and a tennis racquet for tryouts.

All interested students must have an athletic physical on file date after 4/1/23 with the school and have forms completed by a parent on Rank One.  Instructions on how to fill out online forms and complete a physical sheet can be found by clicking here.

Please scan one of the QR codes around MSN to sign up for tryouts.
See Coach Campbell in room 119 or Coach Culver in room 214 if you have any questions. Hope to see you on the courts!

2023-24 CGMSN Boys Tennis

Head Coach- Kyle Widbin

Asst. Coach-Amanda Ray