2024 Track Information
The first track practice of the 2024 season is on Monday, March 4th after school and will last until 4:15. Please see Mr. Widbin (Rm 216) or Mr. McRoberts (Rm 204) if you still have questions. You must have a physical on file and all your forms must be completed to practice: (
Participants should wear athletic clothes and shoes to practice. Spikes are not required. Participants should come prepared for all types of weather, we will run outside in cold, rain, and any other types of weather Indiana throws at us.
If you have any questions, please direct them to the appropriate head coach.
Boys Track Head Coach - Kyle Widbin
Girls Track Head Coach - Andrew McRoberts
Assistant Coaches
Evan Treece (hurdles)
Jason Salo (distance)
David Marquez (throwing)
Nick Johnson (throwing)
Leslie Lees (jumping and hurdles)
Keenan Plew (distance